Startup Commands
- chatrate <minimum amount of seconds between chat messages and commands>
- cycle <day/night cycle in seconds>
- decay <amount of seconds a player or their group members can be offline before their structures can be removed by others>
- gold : make server gold-edition only
- loadout <itemID/itemID/itemID>
- log <Y/Y/Y/Y> : enables console logging of events, replace with N to disable ; [chat]/[join&leave]/[death]/[anticheat]
- map <MapName>
- maxplayers <Amount of max online players at once>
- mode <Easy/Normal/Hard> : Uses info from Config.json
- name <Server Name less than 50 characters long>
- owner <SteamID64>
- password <Password>
- perspective <First/Third/Vehicle/Both>
- pve
- welcome <Welcome Message>
- timeout <MilliSeconds> : Usually set in Config.json